
PTET (Passthrough Entity Tax)


Experiencing an issue on our 1120S returns for which the amount due on 1040 is being paid through business. When the 1120S is assembled in UltraTax and processed to SafeSend Returns, the amount owed is showing as an overpayment. In addition, there is a comma where a decimal should be ($1,700,000 v. $1700.00). Is there a solution for fixing this when the return is in SafeSend Returns before being delivered to the client?



1 comment
  • Hi Dawn,

    Thank you for reaching out to us regarding this.  I have emailed you a help center article that shows how to adjust/correct an overpayment amount and asked our support team to look into the comma vs. decimal.  If you have any further questions or continued issues with this, please feel free to reach out to myself our our support team directly.

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