Voucher Reminders - multiple recipients
We have a lot of Individual clients where both spouses would like to be notified of payments due. We have a lot of Business/Trust clients who would like to have multiple staff members notified when a payment is due. Could you add a feature where multiple email addresses could be entered for voucher reminders?
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for the feedback! While the vouchers are sent to both spouses for 1040's, this is not the case with other return types since there is only 1 email to put in. I will be sure to submit this enhancement on your behalf. Have a great day!
Our firm could definitely benefit from this enhancement. We have several clients who would like their personal accountants to receive the quarterly payment reminders in addition to themselves.
Rebecca, I have added your information to this request!
Our clients would benefit from this enhancement as well. Several tax payers are not the person in the household who makes the payments it is the Spouse. Unfortunately the tax payer does not always forward the information to the Spouse to make the payments.
I agree! Just yesterday a client reached out about this.
we have clients who would really like to take advantage of this!
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