Safe Send Signature - KAB Option
Requesting enhancement to be able to use KBA option for a document sent through Safe Send Signature.
Implementing KBA into Signatures is something we have on our radar. Our product team needs to analyze the market landscape and see how we can fit it into our product model. I will be sure to add your firm information to this request!
This is a really important feature. The IRS requires KBA for e-signatures on individual returns. Since SafeSend Returns does not support any amended returns, even 1040s, and does not support some other returns, this feature is a must so we can still get e-signatures that are IRS compliant for those returns that are not currently supported.
Hi Caramai,
While we understand that KBA is crucial to ensuring IRS compliance, we have not yet implemented it for business reasons. Signatures was not initially designed to send out Tax Returns and is essentially a free add-on to the Suite. We are looking for ways to allow KBA in Signatures while also considering our product model.
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