Organizer Yes/No Columns
In the Custom Questionnaire, there were yes no columns on the right side of the page making it easy to see the answers. Now the answers go below the question and we have to dig into the questionnaire to find the answers. I would like to see the yes/no columns on the right side come back.
Thank you.
Keestan Willes
Thank you for all your input! This is something that has been brought up by other firms, and our product team is monitoring feedback. This likely won't be updated for this season, but we look forward to enhancing the Custom Questions feature in a future release.
Yes, I agree. This is harder to review for both the client and the tax preparers. Thank you. Carol Kulencavich
Yes, please bring back the Yes No Columns on the right side of the page.
I agree bring back the Yes No Columns on the right side of the page.
I agree as well!!
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