SafeSend Exchange and CC
We would like an enhancement that if we add a cc to an email, that the cc recipient will have access to the attachments as well as the TO: email address. It is not always appropriate to put all email addresses in the TO: line. Thank you, Sue McIlvaine
Thank you for the feedback Sue. I would like to ask a couple questions to better understand the need.
1. If CC users can still have access to the files why would it not be appropriate to place them in the TO field?
2. Would you expect the same receiver authentication for those CC'ed (e.g. enter valid email, QA password/access code)?
This will help us better understand the request and make the perfect enhancement for you.
Thank you,
Andrew VanVladricken
Product Manager, SafeSend
This would be a much needed enhancement!
1. If I reply to an existing email thread with several people in the TO and CC lines I don't want to move the people who are CC'ed to the TO line just so they can download the files. TO and CC carry meaning as to who is taking action versus who is merely being made aware, but from a recipient perspective there is nothing indicating a SafeSend message will not work if they are in the CC line... they get an email that says click link to download files and it doesn't work - they don't know why.
2. Yes - same experience to authenticate. I believe the previous SS Exchange worked fine for recipients in the CC line, would be nice to have that back.
i think this would be a nice feature to be able to toggle on or off. I would think that the same authentication method would apply to all recipients.
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