
SS Organizer and sourc documents

Is it possible to add a button to the organizer module for the client to click, that will alert our firm that they will NOT be uploading source documents?  We have many clients that just fill out the questionnaire and organizer and then mail in or drop off their documents.  We are left wondering if they will be uploading documents. After many reminders to clients they finally alert us that they will not be uploading documents.



  • Official comment

    Thank you for the feedback! I can certainly see why this would be a beneficial enhancement. I will request this feature be considered for a future release. 

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  • This is a fantastic idea. I love this.

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  • This would be helpful. It would relieve us from having to reach out to the client asking will they be uploading document or dropping them by. 

    This, along with either ONE "finish" button for organizer and source docs, or a message when clicking finished on the organizer that they also need to use the source docs section and click finished there. The two separate places has caused much confusion. 

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  • Also an option for the client to indicate they are uploading & bringing in person would be helpful. This was the first time my office sent SS organizers in bulk and keeping track of the various ways that clients provided info was complicated. Some would fill out the organizer and then drop off all supporting documents. Some filled out organizer and uploaded docs, but then also brought in other documents. Or sometimes brought in duplicate documents that had been previously uploaded.

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