
SafeSend Exchange - Details of Sent Documents

1. I noticed that with the updated SafeSend Exchange email format, the client cannot see the names of the file(s) that are being sent. This can likely cause confusion if different files are being sent.

2. It would be great to have a way to easily reply to a client's uploaded documents via SafeSend Exchange to confirm we have received them/thank them, but when I hit reply in SafeSend Exchange it appears like I am sending them something back, not just simply replying. 



  • Official comment

    Hello All, 

    These are great points and I can see why both features would be great enhancements! I have added your names to the list of firms interested in seeing these features implemented. 

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  • I also have had a lot of confusion due to number 2.


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  • I agree with both of these points. On point #2 I went ahead and tried the reply within SafeSend Exchange to request additional information and so far none of the clients have accessed the messages I sent this way so I ended up sending a separate regular email so it was pointless to reply. I don't know if they aren't getting them or are confused by them and just not opening them.

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