
SafeSend Organizers Client Tracking Reporting

Please create a standard exportable to Excel "Client Tracking" report for all clients in the Delivered Organizers. This report should include Client Tracking History: Events,By, and Event Date details. This would increase efficiency as this data is only currently available by individual client look-up.  



  • Official comment

    Hello, I can see why this would be a beneficial feature and would provide the firm with more data for better efficiency. I have added both of you to the internal request to see something like this implemented!

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  • I agree.  I've asked about this in the past and have requested it as an enhancement.  I'd like to see a column similar to the last date reminder to last access by client.  This would at least let you see from a quick view has the client looked at all (if no data shows), or two was it a week ago and I need to poke them in both situations.  But having a more comprehensive report will certainly help with data to determine how we can improve the turnaround time.  

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  • Thank you, Diane for agreeing that we need additional reporting capabilities.

    Thank you, Alyse for submitting our request for implementation.

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