System Generated Emails - Add Name of Client
The system generated emails for to "Sign Your Tax Extension" does not list the name. For clients with multiple entities this is frustrating to them. Also, when clients ask for assistance with an auto generated email, we have no idea if it is an entity, individual or trust.
Hello Nanette,
Thank you for providing this feedback! We have submitted this as an internal request to consider in the future. Additionally, firms can edit the verbiage that is included in the initial email clients receive for their extension on a client-by-client basis.
To allow editing of the initial email message to clients on an individual extension/client basis, a System Admin user can navigate to "Settings" in SafeSend Extensions > select "Saved Messages" > select the pencil "Edit" icon > and ensure "Allow users to edit before sending" is checked/enabled.
As long as that setting is enabled, firm users will then be able to edit the initial email message in the "Delivery Options" tab while processing extensions. This allows the firm to tailor the message to that specific client. Users can then include other important information in the email, such as information about what extension they have received.
Thank you!
This will also allow the client to search for a particular entity and not have to click into each email to find what they are looking for.
We've had multiple clients complain about this. They receive an email and do not know what it relates to. We may do the parent and kids return and they get frustrated with no descriptions. We are looking into using grouped returns but regardless, this is a must.
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