
Organizer Complete Auto-Generated Email

Currently, when clients click "Finish" on the organizer, they receive an auto-generated email that says, "Thanks for completing the organizer. Your stuff is in review, etc."  Please either make this message an editable template for firms to customize or update the system to send this email AFTER clients click "Finish" on the Upload Documents section (or both the organizer and documents).

Most of our clients who click “Finish” on the organizer have failed to do the same for the documents upload section, resulting in delays in the tax return preparation process, client frustrations and complaints, and additional time and resources by our staff chasing down these documents. Unfortunately, this auto-email adds to the problem because it indicates to clients that they're done when they're not. We've received several complaints from our clients because of this email. I know SafeSend is about to release new features that will resolve this, but this would still be helpful.



  • Official comment

    Thank you for providing this feedback. We have received a ton of feedback on the client experience for Organizers and have notified our product team of some of the great suggestions! 

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  • We have the same issue- once they get that email, they never go back into the upload area and they think that we have everything we need for the return and then we have no response because the email "said it was complete".  

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