
DRL from Gather

Have the ability to download the DRL list that is created from the organizer for each client when downloading the Gather document package. Our firm has the admin handle the majority of source documents and it would be beneficial for them to see how complete the DRL sent to the client is within their package rather than going into each individual client's SafeSend and going to the client view to see their DRL. That information would then be sent to the preparer with their source docs and better prep them on what kind of documents were submitted.



  • Official comment

    Hi Tasha. There is a column for Request Documents in Gather that shows the progress the client has made uploading documents to their DRL.This will allow for the admin to view the progress without accessing client view, and without having to download the uploaded documents to determine how much has been completed. This should help alleviate unnecessary downloads by the firm. 

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  • Chelsy, I totally understand your answer and that works great for those of us who work in SafeSend all the time (admin team). Our tax department, like Tasha, has also asked if there is a way we could download the DRL list with the green dots so the tax team can easily see what has been sent and what's still missing. We may actually start the return with only 40% of the documentation provided so the tax team having a list of what is/isn't provided would be very helpful to include with the support documents instead of them having to create their own checklist. 

    Our team has also stated it would be beneficial for the clients to see a red dot on the items that have not been uploaded so they can easily identify what's still needed. The blank circles kind of blend in with the words and do not stand out. 

    Thanks for any guidance! 

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