
Gather - clear instructions for client

I have been testing Gather as if I am a client.  At the point you get to the tab to upload the files and see the DRL, there are no instructions telling the client that for the files to be identified, they have to be uploaded as individual files.  Many of our clients scan into one .pdf, and this doesn't work for this application at this point.  I did reach out to customer service, but they suggested we add that to the Client Instructions or Saved Message, however we can barely get them to read any emails completely, let alone refer back to one when they are confused when reaching this page.  Some clear instructions explaining this to clients would be very helpful.



  • Official comment

    I like this suggestion, Kristina! It has been added to review for our Product and Development teams!

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  • Yes I agree.  Also, when the client gets to the end of the organizer pages and sees "Finish", it is not clear that the client will be taken to the screen to upload source documents.  It seems as if they are Finishing the organizer, and they are reluctant to select Finish in case it closes down their access to the organizer.

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  • I agree...i foresee many phone calls/emails asking us to reopen the organizer because they didn't know what else to do since their only options are to "finish" or "continue reviewing".  It would be great for them to be able to "save for later" or "save and continue" so they could go back at a later time without submitting their organizer.  :(

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