Signoff Process Needs Work
I just noticed that the signoff process is not friendly in this regard, there is no ability for a reviewer to signoff unless the preparer has signed off. Perhaps I am missing something. If I am not, this does not makes sense and here is why. If as reviewer I am reviewing a page that the preparer has not signed off on, I am not going to send it back to the preparer to just add a signoff, nor should I signoff as preparer just keep moving. The reviewer should be able to sign off whether the preparer has signed off or not. The review can then send it back to the preparer to clear review notes including a reminder to sign off. AS review, I need to be able to skip the fact that the preparer has not signed off either because I choose to just skip the fact they missed the signoff or because it may be irrelevant to me that the preparer did not signoff as I can see that the info on the page was included in the return and NOW I CAN GO ON. EXCEPT, I cannot go on because I cannot sign off until there is a preparer signoff. Let me, the reviewer, determine if it is an issue that the preparer did not sign off rather than the program requiring it. Or perhaps you can add a firm preference that does not require a signoff to proceed.
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