
Adding Standard Tickmarks

SUGGESTION - I know that in version 4.5 we could create our own tickmarks and add them to the tickmark directory, you even have documentation describing how to do this which I have used to add tickmarks. However, I do not recall seeing how I might add tickmarks in version 5.0. Perhaps this is a feature that you are working on and will add later. If not, or until you do it would be helpful if you could add a Question Mark (?) to the tickmarks available to us. Seems like a ? is used quite a lot in our firm, perhaps others would benefit from having a ? available also. 

Moreover, if you are working on a tickmark editor (similar to the Bookmark editor) where we can create and add our own tickmarks I would request that you give us good instructions on the best size, thickness and format to use for creating new tickmarks, that would be very helpful.



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