
Replacing pages

We have just experienced an issue with replacing pages in TTC 5.0. Our WP were all done and the trial balance (TB) a created PDF out of Workpaper CS was crosslinked perfectly. We changed one aje and reprinted and replaced the TB with the Replace Pages feature in TTC. To our surprise, dismay and disappointment, the crosslinks changed directions from horizontal to vertical and moved to the bottom of each page. I have seen this happen in 4.5 when you OCR after you have placed crosslinks and the process changed the direction of the page but I have never seen this happen in 4.5 when we were just replacing pages. When the page(s) we are replacing are original PDF that don't need to be OCRed and the replacement pages are identical PDF pages that don't need to be OCRed this should not be happening. This appears to be a glitch in 5.0 that needs to be addressed by the development team ASAP.   



  • Official comment

    Hello Brent, we are not able to replicate this exact issue but there has been an update between this request and now.  If you are still experiencing an issue please send in a request with an example file and screenshots, if possible, to and we will take it from there!

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  • ADDITIONAL OBSERVATION - It appears this issue is only happening when replacing landscape pages with landscape pages.

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