Does the Support and/or Development Team Ever Respond to These Posts?

Does the support and/or development team ever respond to these posts in the community so that the community can see what support/development has to say about the topics. Such as, yes, great idea, we are working on it or no, we have no plans to make that feature update or great idea, we will consider making it after tax season. Your response will give us hope or reset our expectations, one way or the other.




1 comment
  • Hi Brent,

    I appreciate your feedback on the product. I want to let you know that your suggestions have not gone unnoticed and all of them have been added to our list of work items for internal development review. I take the continued development of our SafeSend Suite products seriously and do not ignore the requests from our users. However, with all of the effort made to create and enhance the existing product line, monitoring the community forum does tend to fall by the wayside. I understand that it feels like you may be "yelling into the void" but I assure you that the suggestions you have made are noted and discussed internally. I agree we could do a bit more in showing that we do monitor this and we will make more of an effort to acknowledge the feedback provided.  

    Thank you,

    Andrew VanVladricken

    Product Manager at SafeSend

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