
Change telephone number after delivery of the return

I have a client wanting to get a copy of a past return.  However her telephone number has changed since we originally sent out the return.  Therefore the multifactor will not work because it is going to the other number. We need a way to edit this information. When i tried to it is greyed out. I am told by product support after the client signs, this information can not be edited. This needs to be changed as clients are going to change their telephone numbers and we need to be able to edit that field after a return is signed. The fix was to give the client the access number over the phone. This will work but in a inconvenience for both the Firm and Client.  Please look for a way to make this field editable after signing. 



  • Official comment

    Hello Kelly,

    This has been submitted for review to our Development team!  We will update you via our Product Notes when this feature has been addressed.  Thank you for your submission, we appreciate it.

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  • This needs to be updated as this is a big inconvenience. Many clients accidently enter the wrong phone number and then cannot proceed through the signing process. 

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  • We certainly understand the concern with being able to edit the phone number! Any issues with codes going to a phone would only be applicable for firms that have Multi-Factor Authentication turned on. Without this feature turned on, the code will default to go to the email. In cases where there are any issues with the client being able to receive a code, please keep in mind that the firm has the ability to generate and provide access codes for the client to avoid issues with being able to complete the signing. 

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  • The client should have the ability to chose if the code goes to their email or their phone number. 

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  • Hello, 

    We certainly can see the benefit of allowing them to choose if applicable, however, this is not a feature that is currently implemented. If you would like to submit this as a new request, we encourage you to submit this to our SafeSend Suites- Feature Requests!

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  • Being able to change the clients phone number at any point no matter what the status of the return or year should be an option.  Clients do change phone numbers and then prior year returns that are complete are difficult for the client to access.  And once the phone number is input we we no longer have the option to change it for the client to receive the code via email.  We should be able to change the clients email and phone number at any point and change it back to email code in case the phone number no longer works or they change their mind.  This is especially true when the client is getting voucher reminder emails months after the return has been completed. 

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  • I don't see that this has been resolved at this point. No further enhancements since 8/22/2022?

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  • When can we expect this feature be implemented? Its been two and a half years... 

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