Tammy Wishowski
Safe Send - Returns
We would like an enhancement to check a box in which users cannot have an option to delete returns or the recycle bin but can access everything else.
Safe Send Signature - Option to turn off type signature
We would like to request an enhancement to be able to turn off option to type a signature on a document. In other words, the person can only be allowed to sign with a signature.
Safe Send Exchange - DRL Viewing
Currently, only the person emailing the DRL can view and download documents. We are requesting an enchancement to allow others to view and download the DRL documents and request. This is necessar...
Safe Send Signature - Option for only sender to see signed document
Currently, all administrator users can view all signed documents. We would like an enhancement that would allow only the sender of the document to view it.
Safe Send Signature - KAB Option
Requesting enhancement to be able to use KBA option for a document sent through Safe Send Signature.