Brandon Farmand
Disappointed that it doesn’t appear UltraTax bank account verification forms weren’t addressed for auto e-sign recognition in todays update.
Disappointed this wasn’t addressed in todays update, for UltraTax organizers.
Alyse, thank you for the reply. I guess I really just don't understand the reason for the programming in the first place. Even if someone was filing late, after the due date, why wouldn't we want s...
What is the process to re-enable automatic reminders after the due date? We are on hurricane extension here in Florida, so 10/15 is not applicable to us. This help article reference in this FAQ doe...
Chelsy, thank you for providing some information. It would be nice if the user tracking showed that. Right now it just shows KBA failed. It would be nice if it showed KBA attempt 1 - fail, attempt ...