Vicki Cap
Client Confusion on Organizer Section of Gather
We have had several clients call in (in the last 2 days!) to say they are confused about how to navigate through the Organizer. Many of them keep hitting the "NEXT" button at the bottom of the scre...
Ability to Print Out the Custom Questions
Our firm has a number of clients who can't/refuse to do anything electronically so we have to send them paper copies of the letter of engagement and organizer. We have completely done away with the...
Organizers Report - Need Column for Source Document Reminder Date
It would be very helpful to have a column in the report that shows the most recent date a reminder was sent for Source Documents. In preparing to send reminders to our "October filers", I noticed t...
Gather Welcome Screen Clarification Requested
In the first welcome screen the clients see, there is a sentence in the "message from your CPA" that should be changed to clarify where the link is for the clients to click on. It currently says "C...
SafeSend Feature Requests Follow-up?
There are a number of great feature requests in this list, but I don't see any input back from our wonderful SafeSend folks. It would be helpful to see them acknowledge the idea and provide informa...
Ability to add Category to Documents uploaded into Gather by Client, or by Preparer
When a client, or us as a preparer, uploads a document into Gather, it would be great if we could add a "Category" if there is no matching document in the DRL. The sample client below provided a 10...