Quick Reference Guides: Partner Review

A user processing a return can send it to you for review. The following article outlines the steps to take when this occurs. 


  1. You receive an email from noreply@safesendreturns.com
  2. Return information is displayed. 
  3. The email address of the processor is displayed.
  4. Click the link to login to SafeSend Returns.

Begin Processing

Returns assigned to you for review appear in the Send Tax Returns dashboard.

  1. Navigate to the Send Tax Returns dashboard.
  2. Locate a return Assigned To you. 
  3. Returns in a Review status require action. 
  4. Click Process Return (rocket icon) to begin the review process.

Process Return

See our Processing a Return video for a full overview of processing. 

Review all information in the return with a primary focus on the following pages. 

Client Info 

  1. Click the Client Info tab. 
  2. Enter or check the Email for the taxpayer and spouse.


Verify that all vouchers are accounted for and correct by comparing your transmittal letters to the listed vouchers. 

  1. Click the Transmittals tab. 
  2. Click a Recognized Voucher to open the Voucher Details panel on the right. 
    • Amounts due are recognized from printed vouchers included in the return or CCH Debit Reports. 
  3. Compare the Recognized Vouchers to your Transmittal Letters
  4. Edit the Voucher Details as needed.
  5. Click Update to save any changes to the voucher.

Delivery Options 

Ensure messaging for the taxpayer is correct and preview the return. 

  1. Click the Delivery Options tab. 
  2. Click Edit next to the Message from Preparer. 
  3. Review or edit the message. 
  4. Click Update to save any changes made. 
  5. Click Taxpayer Preview to see the return as the client sees it.

Finish Options 

Once the return is complete, you can either approve the return for delivery or deliver directly to the client. 

Approve for Delivery 

  1. Click Finish
  2. Click Approve for Delivery to change the status of the return to Approved for Delivery.
  3. Click the Select drop-down to choose a user to assign the return to. 
  4. Click Send to send the return to the selected user. 

Approve for delivery.png

Deliver to Client

  1. Click Finish
  2. Click Deliver to Client to deliver the return to the taxpayer. 
  3. Select the Taxpayer or Spouse radio button to determine which receives the return first (for joint 1040 returns only). 
  4. Click Send to deliver the return. 

Deliver to client.png

Related Articles

[Video] Processing

Processing a Return

Client Info Tab

Transmittals Tab

Delivery Options Tab

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