Batch Gather requests with page selection
I am doing some testing with Gather and am wondering how we can do requests in batch but select to only include the pages we want (like Schedules A,C, E, etc.). Maybe this is coming in the next release? Thanks!
Hello All,
We did release a feature that I believe covers what is being asked for in this request. You can customize the pages quickly using the Select Organizer Pages in the Organizer section.
We are open to any additional feedback you may have on this feature as well.
YES!! Totally agree.
Also, having the option to just keep in the Personal Information, Dependents, and Direct Deposit Withdrawal pages would be very helpful. And possibly even the native questions from the tax software generated organizer. Basically more customization of what pages to include/leave out of fillable organizer.
Alyse, thank you for your comment. Is what you are referring to available for the Gather requests sent in Batch? I was told that was not going to be available until next tax season but would be very grateful if it is!
Alyse H. we need this option available in Gather as well. Thank you
Alyse H. - This is not available in Batch. Only one-offs. We have to do every single organizer separately in order to utilize this feature. We also need the ability to select other pages - not just the ones SafeSend has selected. We would like to be able to select any page.
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