Kristina Croskey
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Latest activity by Kristina Croskey-
Kristina Croskey commented, I am literally looking for that feature right now! We have over 100 questions and it looks like we may have to create a whole new one to leave out one section.
Kristina Croskey commented, I saw the email, too. Our customer service rep told us on Monday the updates were being released on Friday 1/24. It was supposed to be 1/18, but they had to push it back.
Kristina Croskey commented, We are using Gather this year for our organizers, and were told that the update will be released January 18. Not sure if this applies to all products, or just Gather.
Kristina Croskey commented, Alyse H. - This is not available in Batch. Only one-offs. We have to do every single organizer separately in order to utilize this feature. We also need the ability to select other pages - not j...
Kristina Croskey commented, I came here looking for an answer similar to this. We sent a DRL to multiple people, but on the client end, only one of them is able to access it to upload documents. From the firm view, it looks...
Kristina Croskey commented, I love this suggestion. I agree it would be helpful.
Kristina Croskey created a post, AnsweredGather - clear instructions for client
I have been testing Gather as if I am a client. At the point you get to the tab to upload the files and see the DRL, there are no instructions telling the client that for the files to be identifie...
Kristina Croskey commented, Also, having the option to just keep in the Personal Information, Dependents, and Direct Deposit Withdrawal pages would be very helpful. And possibly even the native questions from the tax softwar...
Kristina Croskey commented, I have not used or had a demo of Soroban, but I think the customized question section in SafeSend needs updating. The Yes/No questions should also have a N/A or Not Sure option. Nesting questions...
Kristina Croskey created a post, CompletedBatch Gather requests with page selection
I am doing some testing with Gather and am wondering how we can do requests in batch but select to only include the pages we want (like Schedules A,C, E, etc.). Maybe this is coming in the next re...