Organizers Completed Before They Really Are
Many of our clients submitted their organizers after only completing the custom question page. I sent myself an organizer so I could see it from the clients' point of view. The checkboxes for the questions were on the right side of the page, and I scrolled down on the right. Then, with my eyes focused on the right side of the page there were 2 big buttons: Save and Close or Finish. Because I knew I didn't want to do either I had to look for the less obvious arrow in the center of the page, but I feel sure our clients didn't notice that. Perhaps a 3rd green button on the right (or move all 3 buttons to a different place) to Continue or Next Page would help.
Greetings Lynn, Thank you for sharing your clients experience. I will forward this to development for review and consideration.
I absolutely agree as we have been experiencing that same issue.
We are working on a new PDF viewer that will address this situation, and we will be introducing a feature to allow for more flexibility for organizers that are completed on accident. We will update this when the feature is completed!
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