Alison Bentley
Activity overview
Latest activity by Alison Bentley-
Alison Bentley commented, I came here to suggest client tracking in Exchange. We definitely need this!
Alison Bentley commented, Thank you for this info, Alisha! Were the Verizon users receiving the access code via text messaging or via e-mail? I will submit a request asking for clients to be able to select their method, fo...
Alison Bentley commented, i think this would be a nice feature to be able to toggle on or off. I would think that the same authentication method would apply to all recipients.
Alison Bentley commented, The download option is available for entities' questionnaires, so we hope to see this feature soon!
Alison Bentley commented, I think I have my answer! I chose the Classic Organizer, and in the collation, I made the Lite-1 General Info page print. :)
Alison Bentley commented, On a related note, it would be great to have the variable of the document name available in the client' s initial e-mail, as well. For some reason, there are no variables available for this messag...
Alison Bentley created a post, Organizer settings for Gather - Is Classic a possiblity?
Is anyone using UltraTax Classic Organizer pages in SafeSend, either in Gather or in Organizers? I remember hearing one firm say they were using Classic in the Q&A session on 8/20, and I would lov...
Alison Bentley created a post, AnsweredSignatures - Identify document to client in completed E-mail Notifications
Problem: Document is not identified in the signed doc notification that the client receives Possible Solution: Include a variable in the customization settings identifying the document. Curren...
Alison Bentley created a post, AnsweredQuestionnaire/Custom Questions in Gather
Suggestions: Enable downloading of the completed Questions for client Show completion status of Questions (I only see statuses for signing/Organizer/Source Doc upload)
Alison Bentley created a post, AnsweredEntites in Gather
Suggestions: Provide CSV template for entities (right now you get an error if you do not include first and last name) Incorporate mail merge into Gather so we may send client-specific engagement le...